On September 1st, the project submitted as Ambiente_SRegional became official, and from now on it is recalled ReBuild 17. This is a project supported by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area - EEA Grants, and which arises from the ambition of three entities to work together for the development and validation of a sustainable model to boost the circular economy in the construction sector.
To be developed over two years, the Rebuild 17 project purposes not only to raise awareness among those involved about the impacts, particularities and potentialities adjacent to the valorization of waste produced on site, through its recognition as a competitive advantage, but also to promote and to disseminate intrasectoral cooperation systems, fostering the exchange of knowledge and strengthening bilateral relations.
This project aims to not only create alternatives for the reduction of the construction and demolition waste production, but also work on the companies and entities awareness for the valorization of this waste, suggesting alternatives and ways of its reincorporation in construction products, generating a circularity chain with this process. In addition, raising awareness and promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience it will be present in a transversal way to the whole project, regarding the processes of production, monitoring and treatment of waste in the Region.
For the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, the focal point will be the creation and dynamization of a ReBuild platform to promote this necessary articulation for the development of circularity in the construction sector, validating the model aimed at this project.
To achieve this, the project involves and provides different stages of development, distinguished by seven key activities, namely: the study and characterization of waste; mapping and attracting stakeholders; the study of technology for waste recovery; the development of circularity in the value chain; the development and implementation of the platform; the design of sustainable solutions; and dissemination and communication, across the entire project.
Combining the knowledge with the experience necessary for its execution, the ReBuild 17 project has the direct involvement of a team of around 20 people, formed by the project's promoter, the Regional Laboratory of Civil Engineering, and its partners Fibrenamics Azores and ReSource International.
The Environment Programme supports this project within the scope of Call#2, regarding the promotion of the Circular Economy principles in the Construction Sector.
Under the EEA Grants 2014-2021, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as donor Countries, finance, in 15 Member States of the European Union, initiatives and projects with the objective of reducing social and economic disparities by strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary Countries.
Know more about EEA Grants.