The session will be attended by the Secretary of State of Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation, Célia Ramos, the Mayor of Castelo Branco, Luís Correia, the President of the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, Rogério Rodrigues and the Secretary for Environment and Energy Transition, Alexandra Carvalho.
Under the Environment Programme, the signing of the Protocol between the Secretary General for Environment and Energy Transition, the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, and the 11 Portuguese Biosphere Reserves, foresees the development of the Project "Promoting the development of territories of the Portuguese Biosphere Reserves as living sustainability laboratories ".
The Project includes the development of activities for knowledge and evaluation of ecosystems, sustainable development plans, definition of monitoring guidelines, preparation of a Communication Plan and awareness raising campaigns.
In this area, the implementation of the Environment Programme will contribute to the sustainability of the Reserves as sustainable living labs by supporting the management of these territories, promoting their economy, involving the local population and attracting visitors.