The Secretary General for the Environment is a central service with direct administration from the State, endowed with administrative autonomy.
SG's mission is to ensure support for policy formulation, strategic and operational planning to MAAC's action at international level, implementation of European law and budgeting, management of international and European funding programs of MAAC, as well as to provide technical and administrative support to the offices of the Government members and other services integrated in MAAC, in the domains of internal resources management, technical-legal and contentious support as well as documentation, information, communication and public relations.
The Secretary General for Environment is the operator of the Environment Programme.
Marco Rebelo
Secretary General
Susana Escária
Foresight and Planning
Pedro Gomes
Technical Staff
Foresight and Planning /EEA Grants Unit
Tiago Cardoso
Technical Staff
Foresight and Planning /EEA Grants Unit
José Anadia
Technical Staff
Foresight and Planning /EEA Grants Unit
Valter Borges
Technical Staff
Foresight and Planning /EEA Grants Unit
Leonor Costa
Technical Staff
Foresight and Planning /EEA Grants Unit
Institutional Contact
Secretary General of the Environment and Climate Action
Rua de "O Século", n.º 63
1200 - 433 Lisbon - Portugal
Phone: (+351) 213 231 500