Promoter: Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola
Partners:- Cooperativa Agrícola do Guadiana
- Natural Business Intelligence
- Universidade do Algarve
- International Development Norway
EEA Grants: 309 151,21
Total Amount: 343 501,34
Grace Code: PT-ENVIRONMENT-0060
Programme:Territorial Program + SOIL + LIFE - Adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change (CC) and fight against desertification, in the Guadiana Valley Natural Park (PNVG), is a pilot project
for the design, implementation and evaluation of a territorial program to boost CC adaptation and mitigation and to reduce vulnerability to desertification. The program + SOIL + LIFE,
with a participatory chapproach, will empower local actors, especially farmers, to adopt good silvopastoral practices, through a model of local-based governance, which will ensure its sustainability over time.
This initiative contributes to the reduction of social and economic disparities in Europe, because it increases the resilience and responsiveness of actors in the PNVG, to climate change (expected result) and develops a replicable model in other regions. This result will be achieved through A1, A2 and A3. Under A3, 10 good practices will be implemented, in a total of 94 hectares, within the PNVG (PTZPE0047, PTCON0036 and site RAMSAR Ribeira do Vascão), specifically in Monte do Vento, ADPM's farm, certified organic production and demonstration center of good practices, and other sites, to make an open and inclusive process.
The good practices to be implemented will focus on the following habitats identified as priorities in the notice and present in Monte do Vento: 92d0 - Southern riparian galleries and scrub (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae), 4030 - European dry heaths and 6220* - Sub-steppe grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea. An attempt will be made to identify sites that can also contribute to habitat 92a0 - Salix alba and Populus alba gallery forests.