Open Call#4
Projects to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence
Open Call#4 - Projects to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence, with a total allocation of €700.000
Through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, as Donor States, in 15 European Union Member States, initiatives and projects will be funded with a view to reduce economic and social disparities and strength bilateral relations with Beneficiary States.
Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as a legal person in Portugal, are considered eligible project promoters.
In Priority Area A, the Programme Operator will value applications from institutions of higher education/research centres in collaboration with organizations specialized in Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) with previous experience in management platforms production.
In Priority Area B, the Programme Operator will value applications from municipalities (alone or in the form of public associations), higher education institutions, research centres, civil society organisations and social economy organisations, and central public administration entities.
In Priority Area C, the Programme Operator will value applications from central public administration entities, higher education institutions and research centres.
The selected projects shall contribute to “Improved system for the protection and prevention of domestic and gender-based violence”.
Duration of projects: Priority areas A and B up to 24 months and Priority area C up to 12 months.
Please consult the following document: