The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation hosted the event Equality in Action: The Impact of the EEA Grants Programme on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality on People's Lives on December 5 and 6. The event provided a platform for reflecting on the significance of the projects implemented under this programme.
EEA Grants team goes to Oslo as part of the 12th Cooperation Committee Meeting
On April 22nd and 23rd, 2024, the 12th Meeting of the Cooperation Committee of the "Work-life Balance" Programme took place in Oslo, Norway.
MERIT Project Final Seminar: unveiling the impact of parenthood on income equality
This event represents the culmination of 18 months of research on the impact of parenthood on income, career trajectory, and well-being of both women and men.
Municipal transformation: online trainings enable more inclusive municipal action
Throughout February and March, free online training sessions will be conducted, aimed at raising awareness and equipping members of the municipal executive and municipal technicians with the importance of the gender perspective in critical areas of local life.
Final Conference of the Equality Platform and Standard Project highlights progress and challenges of gender equality in the labour market
On 14 November 2023, the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) held the final conference of the Equality Platform and Standard project in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference marked National Equal Pay Day in Portugal.
Public Presentation of the Digital Platform Equal@Work
This innovative, dynamic, and flexible tool provides objective (quantitative and qualitative data), centralised and up-to-date information on public policy measures for equality between women and men at work and their implementation, and will make it possible to monitor the results of public policy measures, thus supporting decision-making in this area.
Final Seminar of the Cávado + Equal Project Highlights Results and Best Practices
On September 28th, at the José Sarmento Auditorium of the Bomfim Conservatory in Braga, the Final Seminar of the "Cávado + Equal" Project took place, with the aim of presenting the main results and final products of this project to the community and the region.
MERIT project's Intermediate Seminar presents initial outcomes of four ongoing studies
The MERIT project's Intermediate Seminar occurred online on 20th September. The aim was to present methods and initial outcomes of four ongoing studies
Presentation of the Digital Platform Equal@Work
On September 20, the Commission for Equality in Work and Employment (CITE) will hold a session that marks its 44 years of activity and in which it will make the public presentation of the Digital Platform Equal@Work, product of the Equality Platform and Standard project.
MAIs Project strengthens the role of women farmers and promotes sustainable traditions
The event, centered around the exploration of the Flax and Wool Cycles, brought together artisans, farmers, and enthusiasts to discuss and share knowledge about these traditions.
The intermediate results of the Multiversity project were publicly presented
On June 23rd 2023, after nine months of research and consultation with stakeholders, the intermediate results of the Multiversity project were publicly presented.
OESTE + IGUAL Project promotes Online Training for Students
As part of the OESTE+ IGUAL project, an online training course for students took place on June 5, 2023, with 15 participants, including some classes from schools in the West Region.
OESTE + IGUAL Project Seminar | The impact of reconciliation on the country's economy
As part of the Oeste +Igual Project, funded by the EEA Grants Mechanism, on May 30, a seminar was held in the West Intermunicipal Community on reconciling professional, personal and family life.
Multiversity Project will showcase preliminary findings
The Intermediate Workshop will showcase preliminary findings based on the empirical data collected during the project's initial nine months of implementation.
"Prevention of Gender Stereotypes in Vocational and Professional Choices in School Context" training is now open for registration
The main objective of the training is to empower young individuals to make vocational and professional decisions without being influenced by gender stereotypes.
Domestic Homicide Reviews" Webinar
On June 6th, the "Domestic Homicide Reviews" Webinar will take place, aimed to professionals from various fields interested in this subject, both from Portugal and Norway.
Seminar on reconciling professional, personal and family life – OESTE + IGUAL Project
On 30th May, 2023, between 10:00 am and 12:45 pm, the Intermunicipal Community of the West, Caldas da Rainha, will host the Seminar within the scope of the Oeste + Igual Project.
Final Conference of the project Boomerang
On May 31st 2023 the Final Conference of the project BOOMERANG: Study on the perceptions of the economic impact of unequal sharing of unpaid work in the lives of immigrant women and men in Portugal, will take place.
OESTE + IGUAL Project promotes online training on stereotypes in vocational choices
On May 23rd, an online training will be held on the impact of stereotypes on vocational choices.
Glass Borders - Gendering the labour market - costs of occupational and educational segregation presents main project results
The final seminar of the project Glass Borders. Gendering the labour market - costs of occupational and educational segregation is taking place on May 4, at Coimbra.
Study on gender stereotypes in professional choices – Mutual Learning Session
The Commission for Equality at Labour and Employment (CITE) will present the Study on gender stereotypes in professional choices – Mutual Learning Session of the EEA Grants Igual Pro Project – Professions have no gender, which will take place on April 27, in Coimbra.
Standard proposal “Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines”
It is open until the 13th of April, the public consultation on the standard proposal “Equal pay management system for women and men. Requirements and guidelines”, prepared by CT216 – Technical Committee for Equal Pay between Women and Men and set up under the Equality Platform and Standard project.
Work-life Balance Programme presents first results
On the 23rd of March the International Seminar of the Work-life Balance Programme will take place for the presentation of the first results of the Projects within the scope of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
"Yes, Igualdade Talks” brought people together to talk about Equality and the importance of civic participation by girls and women
The first edition of “Yes, Igualdade Talks” brought together young people, businesswomen and association leaders, to talk about Equality and the importance of civic participation by girls and women for a more equal future.
GendER@UC EEAGrants promotes a Workshop on Inclusive and Gender Sensitive Communication
A Workshop on Inclusive and Gender Sensitive Communication takes place on the 27th of February at 2:00pm at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research under GendER@UC EEAGrants.
Presentation of two research projects, “Construction of a Function and Remuneration Evaluation System for the Clothing Industry and for the Tanning Industry”
FESETE, promoter of the project “Functions and Remuneration Evaluation - Promote Equality in Clothing and Tanning” will conduct two seminars for the presentation of two research projects, “Construction of a Function and Remuneration Evaluation System for the Clothing Industry and for the Tanning Industry”, on the 12th of January in Guimarães and on the 20th of January in Alcanena.
Project "Improving prevention, assistance, protection and (re)integration systems for victims of sexual exploitation" conducts a meeting in Portugal
A meeting was held on 14 December 2022, in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in the scope of the Project "Improving prevention, assistance, protection and (re)integration systems for victims of sexual exploitation".
Project Presentation Webinar Free Choices
The webinar for the presentation of the Project "Free Choices- Estereótipos não fazem o meu género: escolhas vocacionais e profissionais livres de preconceitos", promoted by UMAR- União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta, will take place on December 5th, at 6.30 p.m.
Workshop on the implementation of the Icelandic standard on equal pay between women and men
On the 27th and 28th of October, 2022, the Equality Platform and Standard Project promoted a workshop on the implementation of the Icelandic standard on equal pay between women and men.
Recommendations for public policy of Project ‘The value of unpaid work of women and men – care work and domestic work’
Project ‘The value of unpaid work of women and men – care work and domestic work’ aimed at the deepening of the theme with the objective of increasing the knowledge on the subject and to present recommendations for public policy.
Project Participo! ended with a moment of meeting and celebration
On September 28th 2022 Project Participo! developed the Public Closing Session of the Project.
Launch Session of the project "Multiversity – White Paper on Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination"
The Launch Session of the project "Multiversity – White Paper on Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination" will take place on 31 October 2022 at NOVA School of Law, Room 7.
Yes Igualdade Public Session
On October 24th, at 11 am, there will be a public session of the Yes Igualdade project, a project promoting the political and civic participation of women and girls at the local level.
PEER NETWORK Project Final Conference
On 9th and 10th Septmber the Final Conference of Peer Network project took place at ISPA, in Lisbon.
Bridges Project presents results in Closing Conference
Last September 21st, Bridges for Equality in Alto Minho presented the results and products of the project, both in terms of the production of scientific knowledge and the intervention carried out with the partner organisations
Project NO! – Non-teaching staff training
The 35 participants in this initiative had access to fundamental tools to work with children and young people as agents for preventing violence and promoting gender equality.
Final Seminar of the (Re) Design Affections Project
On July 29, 2022, the Final Seminar of the (Re) Design Affections Project took place in the Salão Nobre dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Ermesinde.
Projeto NO! – Training of technicians from local institutions
The Project NO! started the first day of the training of 30 technicians from local institutions about Prevention and Intervention in situations of domestic violence.
bridGEs team hosted by its international partner KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity
Between 20 and 23 June, bridGEs team was hosted by its international partner KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity in Kristiansand, southern Norway.
Webinar: Domestic violence and public policies: between law and practice
The EEA Grants Project IMAPA promotes, on 7th July, this activity which aims to contribute to broaden the discussion on policies to combat domestic violence.
Project Participo! promoted a Final Forum about the low civic and political participation of women
On June 20, 2022, at 18h30, the project "Participate!", funded by the financial mechanism EEA Grants Portugal operated by CIG - Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality and promoted by União de Freguesias de Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, developed the Final Forum of its project.
Public presentation session of the ViViDo platform - Final Meeting
The ViViDo project team is pleased to announce the public presentation session of the ViViDo platform and other products of the project, to be held on Friday, July 1st at 2:15 pm.
Workshop "Policy Measures Promoting Gender Equality in the Labour Market"
The Equality Platform and Standard Project promoted on May 24, 2022 a workshop on policy measures that promote gender equality in the labour market.
"Domestic Homicides Review" Webinar allows professionals from Portugal and Norway to exchange best practices and national experiences
This Webinar aims to allow professionals from both countries to learn, reach conclusions and create recommendations on the different methodologies of retrospective analysis in domestic violence homicides.
Webinar "Men's participation in the fight for gender equality" became a space to exchange views and concepts related to masculinities
On March 17th 2022, the Project Participo! developed the Webinar "Men's participation in the fight for gender equality" which became a space to exchange views and concepts related to masculinities.
Project NO! – Training of Public Security Police Officers (PSP)
The Project NO! started the first day of the Training of 30 PSP agents on the 16th of May 2022, this training will be about Prevention and Police Intervention in situations of domestic violence.
3rd Academia Participo!, a university public debating the construction of equality
On 19, 20 and 21 April the 3rd Academia Participo! took place, a training activity for civic and political participation.
Conference 'The value of unpaid work of women and men – care and domestic work'
This conference is presenting the conclusions of the work carried out by the project 'The value of unpaid work of women and men – care and domestic work'.
Exhibition “When someone yells at me I feel…”
The project "Oficina dos Afetos - Educar para a Igualdade" asked preschool children, who participated in the project's activities, to draw about what they feel when they are yelled at.
Project NO! marks the month of prevention of bad treatment in childhood
The Benfica Parish Council and the Project NO! re-associate themselves with the Blue Lace Campaign, promoted by the National Commission for the Promotion of Rights and Protection of Children and Youth.
2nd Academia Participo!, a space for youth empowerment for the construction of equality, counted with 15 young people from primary School Manoel de Oliveira
On 30 March, 2 and 3 April, the 2nd Academia Participo! took place, a training activity for the civic and political participation of young people.
Project NO! – Awareness session for the prevention of dating violence and debate
On February 8, 2022, the Project NO!, at Secondary School José Gomes Ferreira, organized an awareness-raising session for the prevention of dating violence.
GendER@UC EEA Grants reaches UC PhD students
On 24 and 25 March, the 1st edition of the course Integration of the Gender Perspective in Research took place under the GendER@UC EEA Grants project. This edition had 19 participants.
Boomerang Project conducts first focus group
On March 17th, the Boomerang Project conducted the first focus group with professionals who work in the migration field.
Webinar "Men's participation in the fight for gender equality"
On March 17th 2022, the Project Participo developed the Webinar "Men's participation in the fight for gender equality" where different institutions that develop their work in the field of male representation and deconstruct gender stereotypes were invited.
Project Participo! promotes Webinar "Men's Participation in the fight for gender equality"
On March 17, at 6:30pm (Lisbon Time), the Project Participate! will host a Webinar: "Men's Participation in the fight for gender equality".
The Project NO! celebrates the International Women's Day with the first meeting of the Interinstitutional Commission for the Prevention of VWDV
The Project NO! celebrated March 8, 2022, International Women's Day, with the first meeting of the Interinstitutional Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (VWDV).
OesteCIM promotes Focus Group to share best practices in conciliation and gender equality in the region
On February 11, 2022, OesteCIM promoted 2 Focus Group Sessions within the scope of the Oeste +Igual Project with the aim of compiling best practices in conciliation and gender equality at the level of the West Region in a digital manual.
Project NO! celebrates Valentine's Day an awareness-raising action for the prevention of dating violence
On February 14th, the NO! Project, together with the Youth Department of the Benfica Parish Council, celebrated Valentine's Day with an awareness-raising action for the prevention of dating violence.
Project NO! – Awareness session for the prevention of dating violence and debate
On February 8, 2022, the Project No!, at Secondary School José Gomes Ferreira, organized an awareness-raising session for the prevention of dating violence.
Working with Judges to prevent and combat domestic and gender-based violence
On January 27th and 28th, the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality promoted, in partnership with the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (LDO), the Working with Judges to prevent and combat domestic and gender-based violence online workshop.
Impact of unpaid care and domestic work on Portugal’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
By attributing a monetary value to unpaid care and domestic work, Portugal’s GDP would increase significantly, by a minimum of 18.6% and a maximum of 36%, depending on the methodological approach chosen.
Presentation of the BOOMERANG project
The BOOMERANG project was presented during an online session on January 18th and had the participation of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Rosa Monteiro.
Project Equality Platform and Standard holds 3rd bilateral meeting
The Equality Platform and Standard Project was held in Lisbon, on November 11, 2021, the 3rd bilateral meeting of the project partnership.
Workshop Equal Pay Standards
The Equality Platform and Standard Project promoted, on November 12, the Equal Pay Standards workshop.
National Equal Pay Day | face-to-face and online round table
On 11 November 2021, to mark National Equal Pay Day, the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment is organizing a Round Table on the process of creating the Portuguese Standard for Equal Pay for Women and Men.
What is the gender pay gap in Portugal? And what is the explained and unexplained part of it?
The elimination of the gender pay gap contributes to: a significant improvement in income poverty indicators and a 4.0% increase in GDP per capita.
MaRvel: (Re)veiled Masculinities
MaRvel has as its general objective the challenge of gender stereotypes associated with hegemonic masculinities
National Statistical System on Gender Equality Project seminar
Within the scope of the EEA Grants National Statistics System on Gender Equality project, Statistics Portugal is promoting a seminar on July 7t. In the morning, the Project, and the results already achieved will be presented, in the afternoon fertility, demography, and public policies will be discussed.
IMAPA presented on 8 July
The EEA Grants Project Evaluative study on the impact of measures applied to offenders (IMAPA), will be publicly presented on 8 July 2021, at 14h30.
Project NO! – Launch of the book “the green city and the blue city”!
Project NO! promoted the launch of the book “A Cidade Verde e a Cidade Azul”/ “the green city and the blue city”, a story that promotes reflection, and raises awareness against stereotypes, and promotes inclusion.
Workshop | Articulation between the processes of crime for domestic violence and the processes of regulation of parental responsibilities
The Project Evaluative study on the impact of measures applied to offenders (IMAPA) promotes, on 29 June, at 2:30pm, the Technical workshop on the articulation between the processes of crime for domestic violence and the processes of regulation of parental responsibilities
Project NO! – Theater for "Abusive Relationship"
On the 26th of May, Project NO! was present at the premiere of the play “Abusive Relationship”, by Luciane Balbine, no Auditório Carlos Paredes.
Project NO! - Children's Day
The international children's day was marked by Project NO! with the delivery of markers alluding to the rights of children
Public Presentation Session of the Project "Network of Local Authorities for Equality"
The Public Presentation Session of the EEA Grants Project "Network of Municipalities for Equality" will happen on June 9th, at 2:30 pm, in an online format, through the Zoom platform.
Diversity and Cultural Competence Workshop
The EEA Grants Peer Network Project promotes the Workshop Diversity and Cultural Competence on June 2nd at 6 pm.
Focus Group Session of the Oeste + Igual Project
On May 25th the focus group session of the Oeste + Igual project took place. The activity was attended by the Project team, Municipal Focal Points, companies, and associations in the West Region.
Participo! Theatre of the Oppressed Group
The project EEA Grants Participo! created the Theatre of the Oppressed Group Participo! directed to women from the parishes of Aldoar, Foz do Douro, and Nevogilde.
North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS): A Partnership between Portugal, Iceland and Norway for the Global Security
The project aims to investigate issues related to the security and defense of maritime space and maritime routes, from Arctic Ocean to North Atlantic.
Peer Network promotes Workshop on the National Network of Support to Victims of Domestic Violence
Ainda não definido
Webinar - Traditional Practices Harmful to the Health of Girls, Young Women and Girls
The EEA Grants Project "Affection Workshop" promotes, on April 26 , the Webinar - Traditional Practices Harmful to the Health of Girls, Young Women and Women.
Call to support 5 studies/white books to promote gender equality
The call to support the production of 5 studies/white books in priority areas in the promotion of gender equality, with a total allocation of €552.942, is open.
Project NO! in the blue ribbon campaing
Project NO! joins the Blue Ribbon Campaign to raise awareness of the importance of preventing abuse and promoting the protection of children's rights
Equality Platform and Standard project – undergoing activities
Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE) presents a balance of the project Equality Platform and Standard
Cim Cávado promotes webinar for the presentation of the “Cávado + equal” project
"Cávado + Equal" Project, public presentation on April 15th at 10H
Webinar - "Looking at Violence from Citizenship - Space and gender, the experience of children and young people at school context."
The Project "Affection Workshop - Educating for Equality", promotes on April 12, between 17h30 and 19h00 the Webinar - "Looking at Violence from Citizenship. - Space and gender, the experience of children and young people at school context".
bridGEs training course: tools to analyse gender inequalities in organisations
This training programme will provide participants with the skills to develop and test instruments to measure gender asymmetries and inequalities, adjusted to the characteristics of each organisation's context.
How big is unpaid care work in Portugal?
The care needs of the elderly population currently represent about 35% of all the necessary care work in Portugal, a figure that may rise to 41% already in 2030 and to 51.4% in 2050.
Glass Boundaries – Gendering the labour market – costs of occupational and educational segregation: Preliminary results
Summary of the analysis of the sex segregation of the employed population published
Rede Pares launches serie of workshops on violence against women and domestic violence
The first online workshop of the Peer Network, a project promoted by ISPA - Instituto Universitário, takes place on the 24th of March, at 5 pm.
OesteCIM promotes World Café to debate the theme of Gender Equality in the West Region
The Word Café gathered 40 people to discuss Gender Equality and Reconciliation of Professional, Family, and Personal Life in the Oeste region.
Webinar: «Women in Politics and Media».
The Project Participo! is hosting the Webinar "Women in Politics and the Media" on April 7th.
BridGEs launched the website
The BridGEes website has information about the project and will be updated with news about project initiatives, the results achieved, and the dissemination activities.
It Happened – Launch of the Project NO!
Project NO! was launched on March 8 with a webinar about domestic violence and violence against women.
Junta de Benfica launches Project no! with webinar on violence against women
The NO! Project is launched on March 8, through the webinar "Shared Response Meeting.
BridGEs: Opening Session
BridGEs: Opening Session on March 10th is aimed at companies and organizations interested in understanding whether their work contexts are promoters of equality and in improving their policies and practices of gender equality, reconciliation, and inclusion of diversity.
Bilateral Initiative promotes Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
The Good Practice Guidance on Integrated Policies Against Gender-Based And Domestic Violence, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants, results from the bilateral cooperation between Romania and Norway, in collaboration with Portugal.
Promova Project begins cross mentoring
The EEA Grants Promova Project will enter its last phase. Cross mentoring. A matching event will be held where mentors and mentees will finally meet.
Municipality of Alcobaça implements a project to raise awareness of gender equality and domestic violence within schools
Project "Inês=Pedro?" was presented on February 15th
Youth and Participation: a difficult relationship?
Participipo Project holds a webinar on youth civic participation on February 24
Project Promova goes to the final stage with a very positive balance
Projeto Promova makes a very positive balance of the 4 training modules. At the end of February, the last part of Promova, the Cross Mentoring , will begin.
Oeste + Igual Project kick-off meeting
OesteCIM launches pilot project in the implementation of policies and good practices in the areas of Gender Equality and Reconciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life
National Statistics System on Gender Equality launched the Project’s website
National Statistics System on Gender Equality website
Project Participo! - registration for training on women's political and civic participation
Registrations for the B-Learning Course: "Promoting Women's Political and Civic Participation", of the project Participo!, are open until January 31st.
ISEG's "Gender Pay Gap-E" project publishes websites and results
"The social and economic benefits of equal pay for women and men" disclose first results.
Public Presentation Session of the Project (Re) Design Affections
Project (Re) Design Affections aims to involve all of society to value the importance of eliminating gender inequalities.
Project "National Statistics System on Gender Equality" releases survey results
Disclosure of the main results of the Fertility Survey 2019 already available.
Public Session of launch of Project Participo!
A debate dedicated to the civic and political participation of women today.
Project Participo! - Women's Civic and Political Participation
Public Presentation Session of Project Participo!
(Re) Design Affections project presents a new workshop on December 4th
ADICE's cycle of online workshops on gender equality continues.
Benfica says "NO!" to domestic violence
Junta Freguesia Benfica moves forward with a prevention project for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities.
DATE CHANGE: Public Presentation Session of the Project "Affection Workshop - Educating in Equality" | December 03, 2020 |
The project on promoting gender equality will be presented on December 03 via zoom.
ViViDo and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
The commitment to 5 fundamental points.
ISPA presents the project PEER NETWORK: Gender Violence and Empowerment
Project launched under projects to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence.
Public Presentation Session of the Project “Affection Workshop - Educating in Equality”
The project on promoting gender equality will be presented on November 30 via zoom.
Creating impact with Project Promova
Project Promova's "Impact" module concludes its three days.
Webinar: GE-HEI - Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions
CIEG launches three days of reflection and best practice sharing in the promotion of Gender Equality.
Project Promova starts "Impact" module
Three days of leadership and governance in a context of transformation and unpredictability.
Online information session on EEA GRANTS funding
The Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (AML) and EEA Grants Portugal organized an online meeting last November 6th to present funding opportunities.
Prevention projects for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities
Five projects approved under Small Grant Scheme #2 signed and ready to launch.
Project (Re) Design Affections begins cycle of workshops on gender equality
Cycle of workshops for parents/legal guardians of the Alfena School Group begins this November.
Projects to promote equality between women and men at the local level move forward
Six projects approved under Open Call #5 signed and ready to launch.
International ViViDo Seminar kick-off meeting at a glance
Online event marked the launch of the ViViDo project.
System for assessing the value of work and pay and development of instruments for measuring gender inequalities in work organizations
The two projects approved under Open Call #1 will launch this quarter.
CIM Cávado presents Project Cávado + Igual
Project Cávado + Igual presented at the national award ceremony “Living in Equality”.
ViViDo Project in preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
The innovative project promoted by IGOT within the scope of the EEA Grants is officially presented on the 21st of October.
Launch of the project "The value of unpaid work for women and men - care work and domestic work"
CESIS launches project in the scope of studies on the economic impact of inequalities between women and men.
Projects to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence have the green light
Three projects approved under Open Call #4 signed and ready to launch.
Presentation of the Project (Re) Design Affections
ADICE project on prevention for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities.
Project Promova concludes three days of "Transformation"
Topics such as politics, macroeconomics, digital transformation, corporate governance, among others in debate.
Women's leadership
Isabel Vaz, CEO of Luz Saúde Group, highlights the importance of diversity in the leadership of companies during the 1st training module of Project Promova.
Women in the world and in the future with Project Promova
Rita Campos e Cunha, Associate Dean at Nova SBE, stresses the importance of the role of women and the sustained and positive development of skills.
Fighting sex segregation and discrimination in educational and professional choices
More than 20 projects move on to the next phase of Open Call #2.
Promoting gender equality in senior positions
CIP President António Saraiva highlights Project Promova as an opportunity and a new approach in promoting gender equality.
Studies on the economic impact of inequalities between men and women ready to move forward
The three projects approved under Small Grant Scheme #1 will be signed in September.
Project Promova's Training Programme set in motion
Three days on mindfulness, personal branding, communication and storytelling.
Digital Get Together | Promova Project
Last May and June, CIP, in partnership with NovaSBE, organized two online events with Promova participants, labelled as Digital Get Together. Promova is a Pre-Defined Project (PDP) of the “Worklife Balance and Gender Equality" Programme.
PDP3 - Data collection of the Survey on Fertility concluded
Statistics Portugal carried out the second edition of the Fertility Survey. This survey is part of the PDP3-Project National Statistics System on Gender Equality, promoted by Statistics Portugal and financed by the EEAGrants (Work-life Balance Programme).
Open Call#2 - Extended deadline
The deadline for submitting applications to "Open Call # 2 - Combating sexual segregation in educational and professional choices" has been extended: deadline postponed to 19 June 2020.
Promova Project gathers participants on the 1st Digital Get Together
The Confederation of Portuguese Business (CIP) held, on April 14, in partnership with NovaSBE, the 1st Digital Get Together of the Promova Project, which aimed to provide a moment of interaction and knowledge of the participants. A new Digital Get Together has already been scheduled to take place on May 19th, under the theme "Female Leadership: What can I, as a woman, do to change?"
Launch of the Open Call # 2 – Projects to combat sex segregation in educational and professional choices
Launched to match the celebrations of the International Women's Day, on the 8th March, this call is a fundamental tool to promote educational and professional choices free of gender stereotypes, and the full and equal participation of women and men in the labour market. These are strategic objectives of the Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men, and part of the Portugal + Equal Strategy 2018-2030.
Launching of the PROMOVA Project
As part of the Work-life Balance Programme, the Predefined Project “Gender Equality Opportunities in Senior Management” - PROMOVA - was lauched on November 18th, at CIP, Lisbon.
CIP presents Promova Project
The Portuguese Business Confederation (CIP) presents, on the November 18th, the Promova Project. This is a Predefined Project (PDP) funded by the Work-life Balance and Gender Equality Programme.
Bilateral initiative: Gender Equality Conference
The Gender Equality Conference, in Reykjavík, Iceland was held on 31 October and 1 November, to strengthen bilateral relations between countries, promote cooperation under the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism, share and disseminate best practices and lessons learned in the field of Gender Equality.
Bilateral initiative: "Gender Equality Conference", Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference promoted by the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the Comission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud (LDO) and the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office (FMO), on the 31st october and 1st november.
Launching of the Project "GE-HEI - Gender Equality In Higher Education Institutions"
In the context of the Work-life Balance Programme, the Project promoted by DGES - General Directorate of Higher Education was lauched on July 18th, at ISCSP, Lisbon.
Predefined Project "GE-HEI - Gender Equality In Higher Education Institutions"
Promoted by DGES - General Directorate of Higher Education in the context of the Work-life Balance Programme, the Predefined Project "GE-HEI - Gender Equality In Higher Education Institutions" will be lauched on July 18th, at ISCSP - Alto da Ajuda University Campus, Lisbon.
6th Cooperation Committee Meeting – 27th May 2019, Lisbon
Programme Work-life Balance: 6th Cooperation Committee Meeting
Extended deadlines
Postponement of the Open Calls and Small Grant Schemes
Small Grant Scheme #1 starts today with a total allocation of €200.000
Studies on the economic impact of gender equality
Open Call#5 starts today with a total allocation of €1.200.000
Intervention projects to promote gender equality at local level
Small Grant Scheme#2 starts today with a total allocation of €300.000
Prevention projects for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities
Open Call#4 starts today with a total allocation of €700.000
Projects to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence
Open Call #1 starts today with a total allocation of €900.000
System for assessing the value of work and pay and development of instruments for measuring gender inequalities in work organization
Presentation of the EEA Grants Programmes in the Alentejo and Algarve CCDR’s
Public sessions for the presentation of the EEA Grants 2014-2021
5th Cooperation Committee Meeting – 29th November 2018, Brussels
Programme Work-life Balance: 5th Cooperation Committee Meeting
Launch of the Programme Work-life Balance and Gender Equality
The Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) - Operator of the Programme Work-life Balance and Gender Equality - held on the 24th September 2018, in Lisbon, a seminar to present the new programme.