The project 'The value of unpaid work of women and men – care and domestic work' is being developed by a research team at CESIS – Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social, composed by Heloísa Perista e Pedro Perista, in partnership with CITE – Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego (Portugal) and the Institutt for samfunnsforskning (Norway). Additionally, Maria do Céu da Cunha Rêgo and María Ángeles Durán assist the project through their specialised inputs. The project receives funding from the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, through Programme Work-life Balance. It has four main objectives: i) to estimate the consumption of unpaid care work; ii) to estimate the monetary value of women’s and men’s unpaid work - domestic work and care work; iii) to estimate the impact of women’s and men’s unpaid work - domestic work and care work – on the national economy, and on the GDP in particular, iv) to produce public policy recommendations.
This conference is presenting the conclusions of the work carried out.
Venue: Auditório da Direção Nacional da Polícia Judiciária
Registration is free and limited to the capacity of the auditorium, but mandatory, and can be made on the link until May 15.
Learn more about the Project