The EEA Grants Peer Network Project, of the Work-life Balance Programme, managed by CIG, promotes the Workshop Diversity and Cultural Competence on June 2nd at 6 pm.
In this workshop, Nichole Leigh Mosty, Director of the Multicultural Information Center of Iceland and President of WOMEN In Iceland, Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna á Íslandi, a partner organization of the Rede Pares project, will present how migrant women are welcomed in Iceland. The issues of diversity, cultural competence, inclusion, and empowerment will be addressed.
Simultaneous translation is available.
The project PEER NETWORK: Gender Violence and Empowerment aim mainly at developing an innovative pilot intervention to promote civic empowerment and engagement of women who are or have been targeted by gender-based violence, domestic violence, discrimination, and harassment – Grupos de Suporte de Pares (Peer Support Groups).