On July 29, 2022, the Final Seminar of the (Re) Design Affections Project took place in the Salão Nobre dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Ermesinde.
The ceremony counted with the participation of the project team Dr.ª Maria da Trindade Vale – President of ADICE, and Dr.ª Sara Gomes – Project Coordinator, the Choir of the Social and Community Center of the City of Ermesinde and with the intervention of the speakers: Dr. Manuel Albano – Vice President of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, Dr.ª Felisbina Neves – Director of the Alfena School Grouping, Dr.ª Carla Viana – Psychologist of the Alfena School Grouping, Dr.ª Elisabete Pinto da Costa – Director of the Mediation Institute of the Lusófona University of Porto and Dr.ª Claudia Kloetergaard - Center for Gender and Equality Representative.
The (Re) Design Affections Project is part of the Work-life Balance Program, under the EEA Grants 2014-2021, and was developed over 24 months, exclusively in the Alfena School Grouping. The (Re)Drawing Affections Project involved students aged between 6 and 18 years old, non-teaching staff and legal guardians, using (in) training workshops and animation workshops with a playful-pedagogical component.
The project aimed to involve the whole society, highlighting the importance of eliminating gender inequalities from childhood to adolescence, through an educational process that took place in the school context, extending to the family and social context.
It should also be noted that the (Re) Design Affections had as partners the Alfena School Grouping, the Lusófona University of Porto, Alfena Parish Council, Atlético Clube Alfenense and the Center for Gender and Equality Adger.
Final Seminar of the (Re) Design Affections Project