The final seminar of the project Glass Borders. Gendering the labour market - costs of occupational and educational segregation is taking place on May 4, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (room Keynes).
This seminar aims to presenting the main project results as well as to discussing policy measures for desegregating the labor market and vocational education.
Liza Reisel, researcher professor at the Institute for Social Research (Oslo), one of the project’s partners, will be the keynote speaker for the opening lecture entitled Gender desegregation in vocational education and training. The last frontier?
A round table with teachers, vocational guidance professionals and representatives of parents' associations will discuss Comparative perspectives on the vocational choices of young teenagers.
The seminar also benefits from the participations of Tove Bruvik Westber, Norwegian Ambassador in Portugal, Sandra Ribeiro, President of CIG, and Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, State Secretary for Equality and Migration.