The EEA Grants Project Evaluative study on the impact of measures applied to offenders (IMAPA), will be publicly presented on 8 July 2021, at 14h30.
The public presentation of the project, which will be attended by the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, the President of the CIG, the Coordinator of EEA Grants Portugal, and the representative of the Norwegian Embassy in Portugal
The programme of the session also includes a conference, in which the guest speakers are Rui do Carmo, Coordinator of the Retrospective Analysis of Homicide in Domestic Violence Team, and Joana Gorjão Henriques, Journalist.
IMAPA, from the EEA Grants Programme Work-life Balance, operated by the CIG, is developed by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, through its Permanent Observatory for Justice, and in partnership with the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, the Public Prosecution Office, the High Judicial Council, the Public Security Police and the Directorate-General for Rehabilitation and Prison Services
This project aims to produce knowledge on three essential dimensions of the fight against domestic violence and gender violence, which have been diagnosed as lacking reflection and debate in the Portuguese socio-legal environment:
- the immediate response to violence and the administrative or coercive measures applied to aggressors;
- the impact of the measures or penalties applied to aggressors
- and the articulation between the criminal process and the process of regulating parental responsibilities, when children are involved.
A study on the effectiveness of coercive measures and accessory penalties in the context of domestic and gender-based violence will be published, with recommendations based on the study and the comparative analysis of other EU legal systems on their effectiveness in the context of domestic and gender-based violence.
Free session with simultaneous translation ING-PT-ING, subject to registration