CESIS project seeks to address the issue of "the value of unpaid work for women and men"
What is the current dimension and what are the future projections regarding unpaid care work in Portugal? Who insures it and who can insure it in the coming decades? What is the monetary value of unpaid work for women and men? What is the impact of unpaid work by women and men on the national economy, and in particular on GDP?
These are issues of the utmost importance that have been for long imposed in Portugal and to which seeks to address the project launched by CESIS - Study Center for Social Intervention with the title of "The value of unpaid work for women and men - care work and domestic work".
This project is being developed by a CESIS research team, consisting of Heloísa Perista and Pedro Perista, in partnership with CITE - Commission for Equality in Work and Employment, and internationally, with the Institutt for samfunnsforskning (Norway ). Also participating as specialized consultants are Maria do Céu da Cunha Rêgo and Maria Ángeles Durán.
One of the objectives of this project is to develop public policy recommendations based on the analysis and reflection to be developed, as well as concrete intervention proposals, based on a transformative gender-sensitive approach that advocates the recognition of care within the scope of human rights. This project will have a duration of 18 months.
The project "The value of unpaid work for women and men - care work and domestic work" is a project of the Small Grant Scheme #1: Studies on the economic impact of gender equality, in the scope of the Worklife Balance Programme operated by CIG and funded by EEA Grants.