The Peer Network, EEA Grants project of the Work-life Balance Programme, operated by the CIG, promotes the Workshop on the National Network of Support to Victims of Domestic Violence (RNAVVD), on April 28th, at 6 pm.
This initiative, which takes place online, will include the participation of Cláudia Mateus, from CIG, who will present the different responses of the RNAVVD (support structures, shelter homes, and emergency shelter) and the impact of these measures during the pandemic context, and Marta Fagulha, representing EEA Grants Programme.
The audience is professionals from NGOs, services that deal with women survivors of violence, students, among others.
Free and obligatory registration
The next workshops of this cycle are:
- May 5, 6PM - Gender violence and multiple discriminations| Elisabete Brasil (Associação Feministas em Movimento)
- May 19, 6 PM - Involvement of men in violence against women prevention programs: possibilities and perils | Eric Mankowsky, Portland State University
- June 2, 6 PM - Multiculturalism and Empowerment - Nichole Mosty (W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland)
Peer Network is an Open Call #4 project, to improve protection of victims of violence against women and domestic violence.