FESETE, promoter of the project “Functions and Remuneration Evaluation - Promote Equality in Clothing and Tanning”, financed by the EEA grants, and CIG, program operator, in partnership with the employee associations, ANIVEC/APIV and APIC, will conduct two seminars for the presentation of two research projects, “Construction of a Function and Remuneration Evaluation System for the Clothing Industry and for the Tanning Industry”, on the 12th of January in Guimarães (Guimarães Hotel) and on the 20th of January in Alcanena (Tannery Museum), respectively.
These seminars will count on the participation and intervention of the project's partnership, governmental and institutional entities, union organizations, workers and companies in the Clothing and Tanning Industries.
These initiatives will take place in person and online via the Zoom platform.
For more information, please visit the project website.