Project No!

Promoter: Junta Freguesia Benfica
Partners:School Group Quinta de Marrocos
3rd Division PSP - Benfica Police Station
likestillingsentert- Gender Equality
EEA Grants: 57,145
Total Amount: 86,161
What is the project about?
The Project No! is a primary prevention project and support strategies for children and young people in the area of violence against women and domestic violence, using the training of technicians, children and young people as a resource, based on programs that train and develop interpersonal skills free of stereotypes and a culture of non-violence. It falls within the priority sector e) Justice and Home affairs of MFEEE-2014-2021, in order to prevent domestic and gender-based violence. The project also materializes ENIND's strategic objective 1 - To prevent situations of violence against women and domestic violence by promoting a culture of non-violence, human rights, equality and non-discrimination, responding to the specific objective 1.1 - to mainstream the theme of violence against women and domestic violence in different local contexts (PAVMVD).
It is a Small Grant Scheme#2 project - Prevention projects for children and young people and promoting non-violent masculinities.
What will it achieve?
Create a local plan to prevent violence against women and domestic violence - Creation of an interinstitutional Commission for the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence with local institutions that work with children.
Development of a local plan for the prevention of VWDV, establishment of goals, operational objectives and strategies for the years 2019-2021.
Train local agents from different contexts, who work with children and young people, in the area of violence against women and domestic violence in order to guarantee the replicability of a local culture of non-violence.
Support projects of local associations for preventing violence against women and domestic violence.
Implement territorial programs of primary prevention applied to children and young people, through multi-session programs in a school context, namely those that work with a culture of non-violence, the promotion of non-violent masculinities, social tolerance to associated violent behaviors to gender, violence in dating and the valorization of respect and equality, fulfilling the objective 1.2.2 of ENIND (PAVMV) - Primary Prevention Program in school context for children and young people in school context and adolescents and young people in context of social vulnerability.
Streamline awareness campaigns on the subject.