Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"Our goal is to bring Big Band Music to rural communities in collaboration with the Portuguese trumpet player Gileno Santana. Invite local music students/musicians to a rehearsal/workshop in the afternoon, conceft in the evening (34 concerts).
In addition bring Gileno Santana to Liechtenstein to give a concert with his Portuguese musicians.
We are looking for possible municipalities at the Matchmaking Seminar in Lisbon".
(Big Band Liechtenstein)
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
Gileno Santana is a Portuguese trumpet player and music teacher. Therefore he has already connections to possible music schools or Universities in Portugal (Conservatorio de Musica do Porto). We expect to allocate possible partners for our project idea.
Outros parceiros
Other partners:
Music schools and music universities in rural municipalities of Portugal.