Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"The Antipodes’ project aims to question the urban-rural opposition, reformulating it in a new culture-ways of production’s relation, with contributions from architecture, disciplinary crossings and literature.
In 2019 scientists from around the world declared the state of climate emergency as the result of human activity, namely the construction industry.
From the experience of the Inquiry to Portuguese Regional Architecture (1955-60), we propose a new expedition and reflection about what can be an architectural praxis oriented toward social, cultural and climate
sustainability, with the participation of the local communities.
Our goal is to reshape the experience of dwelling, stirring up other forms of perception and enjoyment of places. Thus, we propose a range of encounters, reflection and creation activities with architects, anthropologists,
psychologists, artists and writers involving the local communities - children, students, universities, local administration, among others".
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
"We are looking for an institution related to the higher education of arts and architecture — a university, college, research centre or department — with interest in working architecture methodologies in rural areas.
This institution should have experience and / or interest in working with the areas of Visual Arts, Literature and Social Sciences (Anthropology, Sociology).
This institution would be involved in the design and promotion of research laboratories, workshops and training for various segments of the community — children, university students, local government agents — on participatory architecture practices in rural areas.
This institution would also be involved in programming activities involving architects and visual artists".