Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"Flaatenbjørk kompani makes theatre with topics relevant to society in Norway today.
The main idea with attending this collaboration is that director Jarl Flaaten Bjørk and Portuguese actor João Pamplona can introduce Flaatenbjørk kompanis methods to Portuguese companies.
Flaatenbjørk kompanis method consist of a near relation to our audience during material production.
We often have our first test rehearsal for the audience during the first week of rehearsal. This way the audience feedback gets real influence on the work.
Flaatenbjørk kompanis projects tends to focus on topics relevant to society today. Form and shape of the project is open.
The work Flaatenbjørk kompanis wants to do in Portugal is first and foremost an introduction to our methods. Secondly we want to make productions in collaboration with a Portuguese group or company. This may very well be based on one or two of our previous works for youth and children".
(Flaatenbjørk Compani As)
For reference, please check:
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
"We are looking to work with a group or a company that we can identify with. It could be a company that’s organized as we are ourselves.
We are looking for a company that focus on children, movement, audience interaction and that has a drive to make stage art concerning society today".