Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"We would like to find a Portuguese partner either based in dance and theatre or combination of these two. We would like to collaborate with this company through these proposals:
- to make a new performance including professional actors/dancers both from Portugal and Norway. This performance will be shown first in Portugal and then in Norway (Tromsø). Together with the Portuguese partner we will find the theme and shape of this performance and what we want to explore and how to do this collaboration together. It would be working periods both in Portugal as in Norway. Possible themes would be climate crisis, taking care of the nature, spirituality, documentarism, personal stories from the artist own lives; Portugal-Norway.
- exchange with workshops where professional actors and dancers could share their knowledge, experience, inspiration etc. We would also like to exchange and develop our work according to audience development and come up with new ideas together related to this.
- to bring existing performances from Haugen Produksjoner and to play them in Portugal and for Portugese company to show their work in Tromsø, Norway. This would make futher possibilities for developing new audiences for both companies".
(Haugen Produksjoner)
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
"The partners we are looking for are dance, theater companies who would like to cooperate with us. That wants to make a performance, project together and exchanging working methods through workshops etc. These companies could be a independent company, but could also be a institutional company.
Our work we make both for the stage and othes are site specific. Our performances are devising (making all the material from scratch), often interactive and immersive. It would be nice to find a company who are working in similar ways as us. It could also be a Festival who would like to show one of our existing performances in their Festival".
Outros parceiros
Other partners:
In this project Haugen Produksjoner, that is me Anne Katrine Haugen and my sister Liv Hanne Haugen will be involved. It could also be other danceartists, composer, scenographer from Tromsø, but this we will find out together with the our Portuguese partner.