Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"We are travelling to Lisboa to meet artists and organizers with an open mind. We are looking organizers that we can develop project that can fit in on our arena in Oslo".
(Havferd AS)
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
The art & cultural project SALT comes from the North, from the coastal Arctic landscape where people, for thousands of years, have lived in harmony with a harsh climate and fickle weather.
The Arctic peoples have traditionally been nomadic. They have followed the seasons’ rhythm and animal migration routes. They have sailed with the wind and followed the ocean currents. They have left behind cautious footprints.
The pyramid-shaped fish rack (hesjen in Norwegian) is a monument to this way of life. For hundreds of years it has been a symbol for the northern coastline. Fish were dried on the rack, then prepared for export. The construction thus enabled new connections with other parts of the world. Dried fish was a very durable and sought after commodity, and its trade generated great wealth.
SALT is a nomadic art project currently situated on Oslo’s shoreline, overlooking the city’s famous Opera House. On an area of 5000 square metres, SALT comprises several spectacular wooden constructions. Árdna, the fish rack The Arctic Pyramid, Langhuset and the cosy boat house Naustet make SALT a unique venue for cultural events, reflection and nightlife. The broad program includes concerts, art projects, talks, panel discussions and family activities five days a week. Throughout the year, you can also relax in the sauna and enjoy good drinks and food from the ocean.
Examples of previous projects at SALT:
The art & cultura arena: