Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"Create a full evening performance with Hugo Marmelada (Portuguese dance artist) together with a Portuguese or/and a Norwegian musician, with a tour in Portugal and Norway Out-reach programs/audience development: Workshops and other programs, to exchange and inspire each other.
The aim is to build and highlight the art scene in different local municipalities and to activate and gather the community. We want to reach out to people who often don’t experience different arts in their cities, or have limited offers in their community and area. We want the locals to feel the ownership of the project, and feel inspired to continue using the work in different projects in the districts. Every project should be unique, and tailored for every municipality and districts (dance and music festivals, concerts, battles, panel talks / discussions etc.). Involve Norwegian and portuguese dance artist for this program to exchange and share knowledge and culture".
(Jens Jeffry Trinidad)
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
"We want to work and connect with dance theatres, venues and festivals to perform our shows.
Spaces for residencies and workshops: Dance studios, cultural houses, music studios in Portugal and in Norway.
Organizations in contact with different communities that have artistic groups or interested people that we can exchange with.
Artist Collaboration: musicians, light designer, scenographer, costume designer, sound designer, visual arts and other art genres.
Producers and organizations that can be involved in the project".
Outros parceiros
Other partners:
Estúdios Victor Córdon. – dance studio in Lisbon; Inês Matos – producer, designer in Portugal
Marit Falla Eriksen, producer, dancer and teacher in Norway;
Margarida Macieira, dancer, teacher and producer in Portugal.
"We have connections in Norway that is from Portugal or have a strong relation to the culture and the country (Chriz Nypan, Tatiana Palanca, Marcio Rathino. These artists work and live in Norway, Oslo)".