Connecting Dots – Matchmaking Seminar (14-11-2019), Lisboa
Ideia de projeto
Project idea:
"Our idea is to cooperate with an art residency in Portugal and that we can have an exchange where Portuguese textile artists will come and work at our residency in Norway, and Norwegian textile artists will live and work in Portugal. Our residency, AiR Green, is located on a farm outside Oslo in an area with a lot of Norwegian heritage and scenic nature. AiR Green has an international profile with applicants from 22 countries last year.
Artists are living together in a big house with their own private workspaces. We are open to include artists from other disciplines to broaden the notion of what textile-based art is. We also arrange an artist talk, open-day, youtube channel, and a pedagogical program for a variety of audiences in cooperation with the local Buskerud Art Center. We are also open for other projects in Norway and Portugal where textile may merge together with other art forms. We have our own gallery and can contribute with a broad network of artists".
(Norske Tekstilkunstnere)
Relevância do potencial parceiro
Relevance of potencial partner:
"We would like to cooperate with other art residencies as stated above under “Project idea”.
Since we are a Norwegian organization of textile artists, we think it would be very interesting to cooperate with other textile artists in Portugal. Textile art has a long history and is very important
in all cultures – it would be interesting to merge the Norwegian textile culture with the Portuguese. A possible cooperation could be with the Contextile biennale in Guimaraes. However, we are also very open to cooperate with other art fields. We have several artists in our organisation who combines textile with for example performance, relational projects and recycling projects which would also be an interesting combination. Our entry into this project is to be open to several kinds of cooperation".
Outros parceiros
Other partners:
At AiR Green – artist in residency we cooperate with Kristin Lindberg. She owns the farm where the residency is located, she has also been a textile artist for over forty years and is a member of Norwegian Textile Artists (NTA). In the advisory board for the residency you will find NTA, Norwegian Craft (an international organization for Norwegian craft) and Norefjell Husflidslag which is the local branch to Norges Husflidslag (Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association).